The IMPACT Schema: a customer focused change impact assessment tool
Recently, CXD Labs embarked on a customer journey mapping exercise with a telecommunications company and the outcome of the analysis resulted in a handful of recommendations for the executives to consider. All the recommendations had its own challenges, but backed up by customer feedback, data and analysis, we believed that the recommendations would make a difference to the customers experience.
However, inevitably we all looked at the research and couldn't help but think "This is a lot of change for the business... where do we start?"
Herein lies the challenge: where do you start? Some of you are also in this situation, where you're working on a project or BAU activity that will inevitably introduce change to the organisation and even your customers. Or you could be working on a piece of strategy to identify the impact of a regulatory change to your organisation. Or your executives want to understand the impact of a new competitor in the marketplace. Even with the plethora of tools and techniques out there, some of you may be thinking "Have I looked at all the areas impacted by this change? What benefit is this change going to bring to the organisation and ultimately the customer?". ​ A while back I posted the idea of an IMPACT assessment tool (on my LinkedIn page) that anyone can use to understand how change will impact their organisation and customers. It has gone through some refinement and I'm happy to share with you all the IMPACT Schema (to download a PDF version, click here)
Without going into too much detail, the IMPACT Schema is a tool to help organisations identify the impact of a change to their organisation, and ultimately their customers. Whether its a new product idea within the company, or a change in legislation that will impact the company, or even a new system being introduced in the organisation, the IMPACT Schema helps organisations identify the impact on key focus areas designed to capture all possible pros and cons of the change, all presented on a page.
We hope that you would use it and please share any feedback on the tool via our website as we plan to continuously improve this schema for you all.