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Customer Sentiment 

Customer Sentiment

Analysis Service

Service - Sentiment Analysis

Convert your customer data into useful insights 

Do you have large amounts of customer data, but also a lack of time, resources, expertise and proper tools to make sense of it all?

Our in-house software can process thousands of customer feedback and provide insights and trends.

Raw Customer Data
Customer Sentiment Report

For expression of interest for our Customer Sentiment Analysis Service, click below to fill out a request:

Customer Sentiment Report 

from Public Reviews

Public Reviews - Sentiment

 Find out what your customers really think about your

product/ service/brand.

We collate thousands of customer reviews from publicly available sources and create Customer Sentiment Reports. Typically they include:

  • Total ratings, six months moving average,

  • current month customer sentiment,

  • trend analysis, and

  • key delight and pain point.


We can go back as far as the data takes us, but most of our analysis covers around four years worth of data.

We can also do a detailed report that can compare month on month performance (previous months as well as the same time last year), and other views required.


We are also working to source from places such as google review and business social media sites (e.g. facebook, twitter); however, they may not be verified customers. 

If you would like a see an example of our Customer Sentiment Report, click below:

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If you would like a complementary Customer Sentiment Summary Report for your own organisation, click below to fill out a request:

Industry Sentiment Report

Industry Report

What is the customer sentiment in your industry.

CXD Labs conducts in-depth customer sentiment analysis on well-known organisations across industries such as finance, retail, superannuation, insurance, telecommunications, utilities etc. 


As of September 2018, CXD Labs has published over 40 individual Customer Sentiment reports. With this growing volume of reports, we have started creating Industry level reports providing even further insights for our clients.

These Industry customer sentiment report will provide holistic insights between similar size organisations in the same industry, including commonalities, differences, opportunities, risks, and recommendations.


Be sure to subscribe and download a sample copy.

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If you would like a see an example of our Industry Report, click below:

You need tools and techniques which can keep pace with the changing environment and customer sentiment.

Get in touch and let's work together on your customer-centric transformation.

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